So filming for the 50th anniversary hasn't started yet. But that hasn't stopped expectations (and speculation) on the episode to go into overdrive. Some people have already made their perfect episode in their head and decided that if that isn't the mold that the episode actually fits then they'll go as far as complain to the BBC.
Yes I really mean that, someone said if they don't have the 11 Doctors they will complain to the BBC.
Not only that but they have been as bold as to talk for all of fandom, talk for all of the causal viewers and make out that everyone who says they aren't apart of the 50th anniversary liars.
Now I am not saying that Moffat and all that haven't given us a reason to get over excited, especially with BBCA doing monthly revisited episodes for each of the Doctors I understand why UK fans feel a little let down.
But we still have what 8 months to go! And some people are acting like the anniversary is over and terrible.
Personally I can't wait to see what we get when we get it, I don't see this big fuss over why they aren't telling us RIGHT THIS SECOND who is in it when it hasn't even had its read through yet. Why when season 7b is about to be broadcast would Moffat et all take the spotlight from the series to a special that they haven't filmed? A special that still has 8 months to promote?
As for the "It has to be the 11 Doctors, anything else would just be normal Doctor Who" bullshit I have to say it is starting to wind me up. Personally I don't know a single person other than myself who wants a multi-Doctor story. The closest I got was my friend would like to see Peter Davison in it but no one else. Other people I've seen online just want Nu-Who characters. Some want everyone bar this particular Doctor that they loathe....
It says more about the pettyness of the people who will complain if it isn't the 11 Doctors then Moffat for whatever he writes!
Personally I am happy and looking forward to the start of series 7b this Saturday!
Now I want it to have all 11 Doctors, I want it to be a look back on everything we've loved of the 50 years of Doctor Who, but I'll also be happy if we don't get that, I'll be happy if we get a very well written story staring only Matt and Jenna. I'll be happy whatever we get because they never needed to celebrate the 50th anniversary, they never had to bring Doctor Who back. And that might be a pessimistic way of looking at it but it is also a decent way to stop myself being upset if what I've made up in my head doesn't happen!
People are upset that John Barrowman might not be in it, personally I dislike him and Jack Harkness greatly so I'm happy. Which set of fans should Moffat listen to?
Some people want Colin Baker (like me) in the episode others don't. Which side does Moffat take?
Moffat has to make as many people as possible happy and some people are bold enough to say their idea is the only way to make a majority happy, but to be fair I think everyone will be happy if they just lowered their expectations, waited a little until we started getting an idea on the episode and treated it as a celebration instead of demanding that their way is the only way.
But no matter what Moffat will never win with fandom.
Personally I love him!
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