22 February 2013

Doctor Who Missing Episode Hoax

I'll start this blog saying I won't say the name of the hoaxer, its easy to find out who he is, but I refuse to name him for many reasons.

As anyone who gets into Doctor Who will find out there are many (over 100) missing Doctor Who episodes. A great big chunk of them being Patrick Troughton episodes. Over the years there has been a trickle of a few missing episodes being found, they were taped over or thrown away back in the day because that is what the BBC did (for pedants if you know the reasons in detail I don't need to tell you, if you don't know the details then you can look, this blog is about the hoax not why we have missing episodes.)

So a few weeks ago I became aware of this hoaxer who was offering money for information on Doctor Who episodes. Not long after making the offer, even though he only made it on his blog, twitter and a few fan sites he's managed to find what he calls a "hoarder" who has a few missing episodes. Since he "found" these episodes he's been going on about private screenings and finding more episodes...

Now this all sounds exciting and believable right?

Well scratch the surface and you'll find the real reason he's "found" these episodes. To make money himself.

He "uploaded" the episodes AND a animated episode he'd funded (or worked on or something) onto a porn site. Apparently for everyone who signed up to Sexkey to see these missing episode he'd get paid. He probably gets paid for the hits to his site as well. Oh and surprisingly a lot of people who joined said there was no episodes up there. There was also a screen shot which the hoaxer then claimed to be fake. Of course other faceless people on his blog claimed they HAVE seen the episodes, so without signing up yourself you'd never know if it was true...

All the man does is spam his blog posts, the same posts time and time again.

And even though his intention of finding missing episodes will bring people in, the rest of his blogs are just hate filled rantings about certain members (and a supposed hierarchy of Who fans and "sock puppets") and promoting of "Time Girl Kate" who is basically a porn star.

After a "screening" of the missing episodes his second "faze" was to offer to pay people to promote his website. So nothing at all to do with caring about the missing episodes, more to do with promoting him.

Of course you are welcome to believe him.

I think the hoax works to a point because everyone has a hope these episodes will be found. And as all fandoms Who does have those fans who are well known and have that kind of negative reputation. But that is were I believe the hoax believableness ends.

At the end of the day he has given no proof, if you question him he either asks if you want to go to a private screening (before asking you to find a place to have the screening) or else calls you a troll or a sock puppet.

Believe him or not please don't enter a hate war with him, there are blogs/twitter pages trying to prove him wrong and that is all there needs to be. If you do believe him please remember it is hardly worth joining places like Sexkey, only join if you really REALLY have to (that is if he says he puts them back up behind something like Sexkey.)

One way or the other just stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. It is difficult!

    To me and you it looks so obviously like a hoax, the fact he just seems to want hits on his and Katies sites. He keeps changing his story as well, and as he keeps calling people who are actually real people that we all know and have known for ages on twitter sock puppets its hard to believe many of the people that big him up are real.

    Saying that though as you said everyone has to make their own mind up!

    But to add to anyone reading, we have a friend who signed up for the Sexkey thing and we can confirm that as far as he could tell there was no episodes on there. If this person is now claiming (as someone told me he is) that he never had anything up behind a pay wall he is lying. He said that the missing episodes that he's found were on Katies website and he used Sexkey to... Well I'm not sure why.

    Believe him or not please lets not make it get nasty! Even if he's the one that is nasty first!
